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Everyday Rewards

Everyday Rewards is a loyalty program owned and operated in Australia by Woolworths Group. The principal participant in the program is Woolworths supermarkets, Big W, BWS, Caltex/Ampol, and Caltex Woolworths/EG. As of December 2019, Everyday Rewards has over 12 million members.

I began working on the brand new Everday Rewards app in the few months leading up to its Australia-wide release. Working closely with Design Lead Tommy Mayes we were able to research and design key sections of the app while validating with the business and customers along the way. The mobile applications are for iOS and Android platforms.

Role: Lead Product Designer

Project: Native iOS & Android App Design

Year: 2020


Everyday Rewards is a brand new app for the Australian market. The project was very high profile as the brand is well known and with an active user base of over 12millon users, it is one of the biggest projects I have worked on. These facts made it key to carry out a thorough product design process that involved research, design, customer validation, experimentation, presentations, and high fidelity design to development.

Discovery Research

During the Everyday Rewards project, we followed the Double Diamond of design with a clear start and endpoint in which we perform various product design activities to experiment, test, and learn as we continue with the work. Below you can see examples of some of the activities we conducted:

  • Design Workshops: Design is a team sport so workshops are crucial to getting everyone’s ideas out and visible so we can talk about them, vote, and create together.
  • Competitor Analysis: Used to understand the market and what others are doing, we can pinpoint gaps and find unique ways to stand out against them if we do this properly.
  • Persona Creation: We create personas and archetypes to visualise who the users are and try to solve for their needs, these are also fantastic as a reference point for marketing and recruiting users for testing.
  • Surveys & Interviews: By speaking to our customers we can extract important information that will help us make sure we are designing the best and most effective products for them, we may even come across brand new ideas to use.

Competitor Flow Analysis

Survey Insights Synthesis

Survey Insights Synthesis

Define Phase

After we gather information and talk to users and the business and experiment we start to narrow in on what some of the design solutions could be with the user and the business goals in mind. In this phase that we start to really solidify and put pen to paper so to speak. We want to see our users in action and understand what they are thinking and feeling in order to design the right experiences for them.


During the Everyday Rewards project, we created many iterations of wireframes to quickly test concepts with of users. These were created in Figma and done at different levels of fidelity for different purposes for example greyscale for interaction validation and then colour for a more realistic and finalised concept validation test. I generally like to create 3 versions of a feature to validate with customers once we have identified what we want to acheive.

Below you can see high fidelity wireframes for setting up iOS app notification preferences. This was an interesting project as rewards have many channels and partners from who you can get updated on special offers. Figuring the best way to give users control and timing on when to contact them were key.

Notification Preferences Wireframes

Notification Preferences Wireframes

Low Fidelity wireframes for early testing

End to end experiences

As we progressed it became important to create high fidelity wireframes using the final UI components from the design system. These wireframes were very close to what the final MVP product would look and feel like and were about as close as we could get to the real thing without coding it up. By testing multiple scenarios in specific sections we could see how users were responding to the designs and change them if we needed to. We could repeat this process until we get all positive test results and feedback which is a good signal that this could be ready to release and then test further on a quant scale with A/B tests and experiments.

End to end high fidelity wireframes

Research & Presentations

During the project, we needed to present the findings back to large groups of stakeholders in various parts of the business for feedback and project support. By creating easy to read concise presentation decks we were able to circulate and present these easily. We did these regularly after each round of user testing and each piece of research like a survey, interview or diary study.

User testing insights deck slides

User testing insights deck slides

Design Phase

After completing all the necessary steps of research and exploration in the first two phases we now know what the users are thinking and have a more defined vision, we then move into the design phase where we start creating the high fidelity wireframes, interface designs, and prototypes for the final user testing, presentations, and refinements. For everyone to understand how a design journey connects together I create wire flows that show each touchpoint a user clicks and where that leads to. I also make prototypes out of these to user test and share around the business for feedback. Figma allows us to create all of these things quickly and easily.

Final Interface Designs

Once we get to the final pixel-perfect UI design stage we are close to starting development. By using a design system containing, components, grids, colours, and brand styles we are able to design consistently and rapidly inside of Figma. At this stage, we also prepare any assets to export for the developers and create final prototypes for the last rounds of user testing if it is required. Once all is confirmed we can send the dev team the Figma links and work with them to make sure everything is coded as planned and working smoothly with no bugs, we would also look at animations to make it come to life and delight our users. You can see the final designs created for Everyday Rewards below.

Final designs of the Everyday Rewards iOS app

Post Release Optimisation

When the project has finally been developed and released smoothly with no bugs or issues we monitor and optimise the designs for constant improvements. We do this by observing data analytics, using surveys, A/B testing new design ideas, and talking to our customers. The great thing about digital products is they are never done so there is always room to experiment with new things and keep improving to create the ultimate customer experience!

Next case study | Spaceship 🚀

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© Julio Castellano